The NACAA Secretariat ("INC")

Since 2008, the work of running each NACAA has been split between three committees: a local organising committee (LOC), a programme committee (PC), and the Secretariat (INC).

The Secretariat

The Secretariat is the steering committee that oversees the operation of NACAA. Its purpose is not to "run" each NACAA. Rather, it supports the operation of the PC and LOC, by managing finances, handling registrations, maintaining NACAA's web site and mailing lists, liaising with national sponsors and bodies such as the ASA, national advertising, insurance, awards, keeping the NACAA archives, etc.

INC owns a collection of IT/AV equipment which the LOC is welcome to use. The set up and operation of this equipment is the responsibility of the LOC, though INC will provide advice and assistance.

The Secretariat consists of five elected members:

  • General Secretary,
  • Deputy General Secretary,
  • Treasurer,
  • Assistant Secretary (Communications), and
  • Assistant Secretary (Archives).

The chairs of the PC and LOC, and the convenor of the previous NACAA, are also members of the Secretariat.

The role of the Communications Secretary has changed since the body was incorporated in 2008. It was originally intended to cover the role of managing the NACAA website, which has become a separate job. Now, the Secretary is responsible for publicity and promoting the activities of NACAA using all channels available, including social media platforms such as Facebook.

Calls for nominations for the elected positions are sent out prior to each NACAA. The election of officers occurs at the AGM held during NACAA.