The 2022 National Australian Convention of Amateur Astronomers was to be held in Melbourne, hosted by the Astronomical Society of Victoria. COVID prevented this from happening.

The ASV switched to COVID mode and hosted the event by broadcasting the event online over two consecutive Saturdays: Easter Saturday, April 16th, and one week later on April 23rd.

See the Programme page for links to recordings of the sessions.

The Annual General Meeting, which is usually held during NACAA, was held online on 2022 June 18.

2022 Page Medal

The Astronomical Society of Australia presented the Berenice and Arthur Page Medal to two winners: Trevor Barry, and the Backyard Observatory Supernova Search (BOSS) team.

  • Trevor Barry from Broken Hill for a broad range of planetary science, and in particular, observations of Saturn’s North Polar Hexagon over 3115 Earth days.
  • The BOSS team for a coordinated, collaborative program with a focus on supernovae discovery and observation.

Further details on the Page Medal's history can be found here.